People Are Suggesting Rihanna Needs To "Go On A Diet" Or There's A "Baby On The Way" & They All Need To STFU
26 July 2017, 14:40 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

Seriously, it's not cool.
A moment to appreciate how beautiful Rihanna is please?
Okay, done? Good, cool.
> Rihanna Responds To A HORRIFIC Racist Tweet Saying She'd Look Better "If She Was White"
It seems though that this sentiment isn’t shared on Twitter - we know, shocking.
The singer’s daring yet beautiful outfits of choice for the Valerian press tour has made her the target of brutal online trolls.
“She looks fat!!! Why riri? Go on a diet”, one wrote, whilst another speculated if the 29 year old is pregnant by writing, “baby on the way”.
Weight doesn't suit Rihanna at all man stop lying
— Stef (@FLOTUK) July 26, 2017
Rihanna is that friend who gained weight but won't accept she needs to buy a larger size
— SHOOK KNIGHT (@ercthms) July 24, 2017
Damn Rihanna gain more weight than Beyoncé who was pregnant with twins
— King licorice (@Licoriceeking) July 24, 2017
Lool Rihanna's weight gain is lowkey getting out of hand
— kene (@kenethegod) July 24, 2017
The weight gain, boobs & fluffy dresses....I have a strong feeling that Rihanna is pregnant. This bitch always looks good tho
— Rosé (@krasotav) July 24, 2017
Guys, guys, guys. Have you not heard of Thickanna?
It’s a term that Rihanna coined herself back in 2013 after a fan asked her if she was gaining weight. She simply replied, “Yasss! #progress #operationThickanna”.
So everyone just needs to PIPE. DOWN.
Remember when RiRi didn't recognise herself with the beautifying filter?