Pretty Little Liars' Aria Finally Speaks Out About Those Ezra Wedding Rumours & We Don't Think We Believe Her
15 November 2016, 10:05 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10
NGL, we don't really believe her when she says she doesn't know what fans are talking about.
The cast and crew have officially said goodbye to Pretty Little Liars but we, the fans, have slightly longer to wait.
Airing next year, we have plenty of time to speculate about what the hell is about to go down with the Liars in Rosewood.
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And when a fan theory came out speculating that Aria and Ezra were the ones who were getting married - a wedding of which has already been confirmed by producer I. Marlene King - we basically lost our minds.
PIC: PLL Facebook
The theory came about after Ian Harding (Ezra Fitz) posted a photo of Lucy Hale (Aria Montgomery) in his varsity jacket. But, if you look closely, you can see a sneaky little bit of a sparkly white dress in the bottom left corner. Oh, and the fact that you can kinda see a tiny bit of veil.
PIC: Ian Harding/Instagram
However, Cosmopolitan US went on to ask Lucy Hale during a Facebook Live about whether the rumours are true.
Her response?
“Dang it, Ian! You have to check this stuff! I think [the fans are] seeing things, I think someone photoshopped that on me. People notice everything, it’s kind of scary.”
Well, that’s not a denial so at this stage we will take that.