The Translation Of Those Famous Lyrics From 'The Lion King' Will Change Your Childhood Forever
4 August 2016, 15:48 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

Mind. Blown.
Name your favourite Disney film.
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Hands up who said The Lion King?
*everyone at Capital HQ raises hand*
Let’s face it. We all grew up with The Lion King, right? And it’s pretty epic.
It taught all about emotions - fear, sadness, happiness and gave us several life lessons in friendship and family and yada yada yada.
Pic: Photoshot
BUT. It cannot just be us that have spent much of our lives wondering what the lyrics at the beginning of 'The Circle Of Life' mean?
No one else screamed it from their sofa whilst pretending that the living room you were looking down on was Pride Rock and you were the King of all the land?
Just us… oh.
Regardless, we have now figured out what the lyrics mean.
Can we get a hallelujah?!
Let us jog your memory.
The Original.
Now, we don’t speak fluent Zulu but we believe it’s spelt something like this;
Nants ingonyama bagithi baba
Sithi uhhmm ingonyama
Thanks to one Tumblr user though, we now have the translated version and are you ready for the most profound thing you’ve ever heard?
The translation goes like this:
Nants ingonyama bagithi baba - “There comes a lion, Father”
Sithi uhhmm ingonyama - “Oh yes, it’s a lion”
Wow. Thanks Disney for the inspiring life lesson.