Just 14 People Who Probably Had A Worse First Week Of Uni Than You
9 October 2017, 16:43 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

So stop complaining.
So you’ve survived Freshers (more or less) and now it’s time to actually study… you know, the entire reason that you went to university.
But, if it’s any consolation, you are not alone.
And if it’s any further consolation, your first week of university fails probably aren’t half as bad as the rest of Twitter’s!
Throwing up all over yourself in the middle of your first uni lecture is a great start
— kt-ann (@katiewhite06) 2 October 2017
help are you supposed to call lecturers/seminar leaders by their first or last name at uni???!!
— charli (@shuutupcharli) 5 October 2017
no idea how I used to manage whole 6hr school days, at uni I'll finish a 1hr lecture & be like right thats me done get me back to bed asap x
— z (@zxxchh) 5 October 2017
First day of uni and I had a coughing fit in the first lecture, almost fell asleep in the second and took an hour detour on the wrong bus...
— Sophie Cole (@SophieCole16) 4 October 2017
I've been at uni 2 weeks and if I had a pound for every time someone coughed in a lecture I'd be a millionaire
— Em (@som3kidcalledEm) 6 October 2017
The first week of uni and there’s already dramaaaaaa
— M.E.L.S (@MellaSexton28) October 5, 2017
How’s your first week of uni going? pic.twitter.com/MmibRjzmn5
— Will (@Will_Crumpton) October 9, 2017
First week of uni has completely wiped me out
— imogen (@ImogenOliviaW) October 6, 2017
Overslept for 2/3 of my 9ams in first week back... good start to uni x
— katie (@ktttriley) October 6, 2017
Don’t drop out of uni it’s only the first week and your paying over 9 grand a year for this pic.twitter.com/D1ClHAIk74
— (@PENGTIVITY) October 5, 2017
first week of uni and ive already missed 3 lectures :) !!
— Charlie (@charlotteurmum) September 29, 2017
I skipped 8 lectures in my first week of uni I honestly couldn't be more proud of myself
— Nour (@nourrkhatib) September 29, 2017
First week of uni and im already annoyed with WhatsApp’s groups...... pic.twitter.com/5zlUFG8Dw2
— an (@stylestins) September 28, 2017
not even through the first week of uni n I'm already dropping my course woooo
— cinnamon girl (@CHLOC4INA) September 28, 2017
Kylie Jenner recently opened up about why she missed her prom...