CRINGE! This Back-To-School Parody Of 'Baby Got Back' Is Something Else!
22 August 2014, 17:04 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10
The summer holidays are almost over, which means parents across the country are celebrating kids going back to school - some taking it to extremes!
YouTubers The Holderness Family have just premiered their latest creation - a parody of Sir Mixalot's 'Baby Got Back'.
The video sees the parents recapping their family's summer holiday before being sent back to school.
Even though it is quite cute, we can't help but think how mortified the children will be when they look back at this when they're older!
Regardless of how cringe-worthy the video is, it's been a smash on YouTube - racking up over 1.3 million views in 3 days!