#ManCrushMonday - Justin Bieber Vs Nick Jonas

30 March 2015, 09:18 | Updated: 30 March 2015, 12:11

They're both fans of posing with their tops off (and we are NOT complaining), but which of these incredible six packs gets your vote this week?

If you're a fan of six packs you are going to HATE having to choose between these two fine examples of men… this week's #ManCrushMonday is a battle between Justin Bieber and Nick Jonas. 

They've both done plenty of posing in their pants and grown up to be super hotties (who'd have thought fetus JB and the curly haired one from the Jonas Brothers would be future mega-fitties?!) but which of these boys deserves to be this week's #MCM? Have a look and make up your mind… 

Justin Bieber 

The days of the floppy hair are LONG GONE and Justin is officially fanciable material - and he's made sure he's cemented himself as one of the most sought-after men in music with his love of a sexy snap! We were used to seeing Justin posting saucy Instagram pics, but nothing could prepare us for the uber fitness that he exuded on his Calvin Klein underwear shoot… phew! Here's why Justin deserves to be this week's #MCM:



Nick Jonas 

He's ditched the little silver ring and tamed those curls - and fast tracked himself straight to the top of our list of hotties. His Flaunt magazine shoot in his underwear meant we had to go and lie down in a darkened room for a while, and Nick is definitely no stranger to a topless gym selfie - the gift that keeps on giving! Here's why the Jonas Brother should get your vote for #MCM: 

Right - you've got all the facts, now let us know who YOU would choose for this week's Man Crush below: 

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